Polyphenols from fruits and vegetables relevant to Saudi Arabia. Their metabolism and bioactivation for enhanced bioactivity

Group of Quality, Safety and Bioactivy of Plant Foods

Saudí Arabian food products, due to the adverse production environmental conditions, can be particularly rich in polyphenols, and therefore can have enhanced biological properties that should be explored. These phytochemicals and their metabolites show antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in vitro and in vivo, that could provide be an excellent added value for these products.

In the present study Taif’s pomegranates will be characterized from their polyphenol content and chemical characteristics, and their gut microbiota metabolism will be evaluated.

The main objetives of this study are:

  • Characterize the bioactive phytochemical composition of Taif’s pomegranates and compare it with those from other origins (Al-Baha; Egypt, Yemen, etc.).
  • Evaluate the gut microbiota metabolism of Saudi pomegranates with identification of the produced metabolites (urolithins and others)
  • Evaluate different gut microbiota urolithin metabotypes in Saudi Arabia. It will be the first study on these metabotypes in the Middle East region. If possible, with the comparison of town and rural populations to understand the effect of lifestyle and dietary patterns.
  • Understand the effect of urolithins as protectants of neuronal intoxication by methamphetamine.

Partners: Taif University

Budget granted to CEBAS: 60.000€

Duration: 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021.